Paper : Critical Theory
Preface to Shakespeare – Samuel Johnson
- Poetics - Aristotle
- An Apology for Poetry – Sir Philip Sidney
- Preface to Shakespeare - Samuel Johnson
- Preface to Lyrical Ballads - William Wordsworth
- Biographia Literaria - Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- The Study of Poetry – Mathew Arnold
- Tradition and Individual Talents – T.S. Eliot
Forecast-ed Questions
Poetics - Aristotle
1. Compare and Contrast an Epic with Tragedy
2. Discuss Aristotle’s concept of Tragedy
Preface to Shakespeare – Samuel Johnson
1. Evaluate Johnson as a critic of Shakespeare
2. Write down Faults of Shakespeare according to Johnson
The Study of Poetry – Mathew Arnolds
1. Consider Arnolds view on Chaucer
2. Arnolds Touchstone method
Tradition and Individual Talents – T.S. Eliots
1. What does Eliot means by tradition? How does he show its importance to the poet and the artists?
2. Write critical note Eliot’s classicism
3. Impersonal theory of poetry
4. Emotion of art and impersonal
Discuss Coleridge’s view on imagination and fancy
Discuss Coleridge’s major affections to Wordswoth”s theory of poetry
Discuss Wordsworth’s Preface to Lyrical Ballads as a manifesto of Romantic Movement .
Historical significant Wordsworth’s Preface to Lyrical Ballads
Discuss Wordsworth’s languages of poetry (poetic Diction)
What are the main objections of Sidney on contemporary English Drama
Critically examine Sidney’s view on antiquity of universality
16th and 17th Centurty drama subject code 1131
1. Comments on Soliloquies in Macbeth
2. Consider Dutchess as a tragic heroine
3. Show sufferings of transfigures the dutchess into lofty character
4. Discuss Volpone as a satire on contemporary society
5. What is ‘comedy of humor ’Volpone comedy of humor
6. Volpone as a beast fable
7. Bring out the dramatic significance
8. Discuss the role of Viola
19th century literature
Robert Browning
Alfred Tennyson
Matthew Arnold
Thomas Hardy
Charles Dickens
Charlotte Bronte
Arnold’s treatment on contemporary society
Robert Browning ‘treatment of love
Robert Browning is more concern human psychology
Robert Browning Theme of success and failure in his poetry
Robert Browning’s theory of life
Robert Browning Dramatic Monologue
Alfred Tennyson Tennyson’s treatment of olgend and myth
Charlotte Bronte-Anti romantic novel Jane Eyre with a romantic
Charlotte Bronte-Autobiographical Elements Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte-Treatment of childhood in Jane Eyre
Moral per-occupation moral education
Humor and pathos – irony and humor
Characters of Pip
How far Tess is responsible of her Tragedy of life.
Hardy’s attitude towards nature